Harpers Bazaar: Women of the Year 2019: Entrepreneur Janneke Niessen wins the Business Award!

CapitalT contributed to an article of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce about funding female entrepreneurs.

Work at X, the moonshot factory of Alphabet


CapitalT at one of the biggest startup events in Europe: Slush. Great to meet so many fellow VC’s and entrepreneurs.

Eva was invited to speak in Copenhagen during Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Day to speak about team research and connect to Danish dealflow.

Special evening during the Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year where CapitalT advisor Neelie Kroes shared her view of Janneke on stage.

Talking about our favorite startups in “Na het Nieuws”, a NPO 1 extra talkshow. A great way to call out our investment Wizenoze!

CapitalT in New York and San Francisco speaking to VC’s and other partners about investing in Europe, CapitalT and our technology.

Special event of Credut Suisse in Zurich with a selected group of their clients and relations.

An overview of all that happened after 1 year since CapitalT partners Eva and Janneke released research about funding in the Netherlands.
NOS asked Janneke’s opinion as investor about the developments at WeWork.

Janneke shared her vision on the importance of VC funding for innovation with Focus Personal Finance magazine.

Eva presenting about teams and investing during Rotterdam Capital Week.

CapitalT participated in the HighTechXL dealmaker event to share insights about termsheets with entrepreneurs who are looking to raise funding.

CapitalT spoke during ADE investing in startups.

In cooperation with WorldSummit AI, Janneke hosted a women in AI breakfast at the Mayors Residence in Amsterdam.

VC matchmaking Lunch

Eva rocking it at BNR Newsradio!