Dutch newspaper Telegraaf asked CapitalT partner Janneke about the importance of funding for a vibrant startup ecosystem.

Women’s Pitch Event @Tech Week

Janneke was moderating a panel about the European Advantage during Amsterdam Capital Week.

CapitalT Partner Eva de Mol was named one of Dutch Game Changers by magazine Elle.

A VC Community Introduces a Gender Quota: The Broadsheet

Janneke was part of the jury during the startups showcase at WorldSummit AI.

CapitalT hosted a masterclass about buidling succesful teams and companies in Rotterdam.

Allocate event in London

Het Financieel Dagblad - Durfkapitaal stelt quotum voor aantal vrouwen in top bedrijven

Eva on stage at the Fundright event

Celebrating the numerous publications and messages we have received as a result of the announcement of #fundright.

Chatham House in London

Eva was invited for Jinek to speak about the research and the actions taken as a result. So cool!

Sprout - Startups zonder gedeelde passie zijn gedoemd te falen, bewijst dit onderzoek onder 95 Nederlandse startups

Podcast Janneke Niessen @New Female Leaders

ABN AMRO x TNW discussing the future of finance and diversity with Janneke Niessen

Official opening Coding College in Amsterdam.

CodeCast 2019

Fortune Most Powerful Woman Conference London